Wednesday, November 11, 2009

jeepers and ozzie make new forumla

jeepers and ozzie made and developed a new forumala, which can casuse rapid aging and being made younger more often, jim, tested the formula on himself, he got older intill he was a 80 year old year man, then it casused him, to be turned back to his normal age.
molly and megan drank some , it casused molly to start getting younger ,intill she turned back into a 10 year old little girl, the bathrobe that she dropped to ground, a doggie lab helper named miss dixie monroe, who laughs a lot , helped molly going to into closed in room, to help molly put some clothes as a little girl.
after megan drank her forumala, megan started getting younger ,intill she was turned into a baby girl, again, miss dixie monroe, the new doggie lab helper to have megan wear pampers, intill jeepers and ozzie could come up another forumala, which will help turn molly into a full grown 21 year old woman, and megan back into a full grown 21 year old, which could take both them ,a few days, to come up, becasuse, they have to a doggie rest break.

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